Everything you always wanted to know about entering Primary School – morning event


Everything you always wanted to know …

… about Primary School

Which types of primary schools exist in Germany and in particular in Munich?
How do I sign up?
What about day-care in the afternoon and during school holidays?
Difference between Hort, Tagesheim, Mittagsbetreuung, Ganztagsklasse?
Fees and lunch?
How does Germany handle pre-school?

For parents of kids who will start school autumn 2016 or autumn 2017.

Each event will take place from 9:30 to 11:30

During each event, questions are welcome.

The presentation and Questions & Answers will be in English.

Contact addresses for further information will be handed out, also links to useful official webpages.

Fee for each event: 30 EUR per participant

Limited amount of participants, minimum number of participants : 5

Please register: parents@littleshopofscience.de

Participants are welcome to send also some questions before the event. Please also indicate in your email how many children you have and the age of each child.

Dr. Petra Nass

Little Shop of Science

Amalienstrasse 87-89 (Amalienpassage, Amalienhof Süd)

80799 München

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